In everyday life, maintaining balance and body posture plays a decisive role in the performance of motorical tasks. Todays sports or even some particular work activities requires faster and more accurate motorical skills, which implies to more precise and more accurate systems for ability to control body balance and body posture. It is not an easy task, given the complexity of the systems that are involved in it and the interaction between them.
Foot health is one of the basic needs of our society, that is characterized by the increasing loss of the environment (the walk on surfaces that are not natural, therefore, used shoes), industrialisation, and decrease in physical activity. On this basic situation should add different ambiental (at work, in sports, etc…) and pathological (disease that directly or indirectly involves foot) situations at the expense of the extremities, causing foot health in medicine should be provided with primary prevention and used as the sole therapeutic input in atypical and chronic pain in the whole musculoskeletal system.
Physical, technical and psychological components should be studied and analyzed together as a phenomenon of primary importance and should be included as a unique case in the strategy of exercise and prevention of pathological aspects.